Peaky Midwest 2025 will be held May 16-18, 2025 in Chicago, Illinois. Registration is open now. We've hit our writer cap for this year, but feel free to register for the writer waitlist or to be a playtester!
Even if you aren't interested in writing with us, you can attend Peaky Midwest as a player. Players attend for free. As a player you will need to respond to a brief online form telling us your preferences for games on Saturday afternoon and attend in person on Sunday.
Participants of all skill levels, including new players, are welcome to attend as players.
Please take a moment to read the Code of Conduct we expect everyone to abide by at the workshop. As of 2023 we also have a new Health Policy, so please take a look at that if you haven't yet.
The purpose of playtesting at Peaky Midwest is to give writers a first round of feedback for their games. We want playtesters to have fun, and we will do our best to give you what you ask for, but our priority is making sure that each game gets what it needs to run a playtest.
Please try to be kind to the writers. They want to know what needs work and are also exhausted from the last two days of writing. There will almost certainly be omissions, continuity errors, and typos in the games you playtest at Peaky Midwest. Let the writers know what you see that looks wrong, and try to be forgiving. Do your best to ask questions before and during the game to clarify the writers’ intentions if you see something that doesn’t make sense.
We provide breakfast, lunch, and snacks on Sunday. We ask about your needs during registration and our chef will do their best to accommodate everyone.
The preliminary menu for 2024 is available if you'd like to get an idea of what sorts of things we served in the past.
If you wish to have alcohol please bring your own. If you are drinking at the event please be able to show your ID.
People under 18 are welcome to attend as long as a parent or guardian attends with them.