Peaky Midwest aspires to be a welcoming and friendly place where we work together to write and to learn to write great games.
If you attend we expect you to:
Be kind to your fellow attendees, listen to them, and treat them with respect and friendship. Writing and collaborating can be both difficult and frustrating, but everything is easier if you care for the people you’re working with and do your best to communicate clearly with them.
Respect other people's boundaries, both physical and social. Obtain consent before engaging in physical contact with others and allow others to disengage themselves from you, both socially and physically, if they attempt to do so, regardless of prior consent. If you are concerned about someone else's well being, safety, or intentions and they have disengaged from you, approach the organizers or safety team for their assistance rather than the person in question.
Listen to the organizers and hosts if they ask you to do (or not do) things.
Be willing to accept criticism the hosts, organizers, or safety team have about your actions or behaviors. If we come to you with criticism it will be because we believe in your good intentions and ability to do better.
We expect you to treat other attendees with respect and kindness regardless of characteristics like gender, ethnicity, skin color, disability, or weight. While we understand that not all players can play all LARPs and that time is limited during the workshop, we expect writers to do their best to provide reasonable accommodations for players who sign up to playtest their games.
Peaky Midwest has a volunteer safety team dedicated to helping attendees in difficult social situations. If you need social mediation, other assistance, or just someone to talk to, please contact an organizer or safety team member. Please feel free to contact us before, at, or after the workshop. We can be contacted in person or by email and will respect your requests for anonymity or non-disclosure unless we are bound by law to do otherwise (a situation which we hope won’t ever come up).
Organizer and safety team contact information can be found on the contact page.
We ask (but don’t require) that you:
Tell us if other attendees have hurt or upset you and you aren’t able to resolve the situation yourself. We can act as mediators, intercede on your behalf, or simply help you extract yourself from the situation, as you prefer. If you are still hurt or unhappy after the event (whether you told us about the situation face-to-face or not), we want to know about it so we can help make sure these bad experiences are not repeated (for you or for other attendees) in future years.
Tell us if we have done wrong. We are not perfect and we want to improve when we do poorly. If you are not comfortable talking to an organizer or host about their actions or behaviors, please contact a member of our safety team instead.
Peaky Midwest is a private event held at a private home. The hosts and organizers reserve the right to monitor your behavior, issue you warnings, restrict how you may participate in the workshop, refuse to admit you, or ask you to leave the event. We believe people who understand what they’ve done wrong are more likely to change for the better, however we are not obliged to provide attendees with explanations for our decisions if we feel we have compelling reasons not to.