This is a descriptive definition of the style of games that are generally written at Peaky Midwest. It’s intended to be a starting point so we can talk about larp style without confusing ourselves.
It is NOT meant to be a prescriptive definition of the kind of LARP we write. Many wonderful games written at Peaky Midwest have discarded some of these conventions. It is 100% ok if you want to write something different than this or prefer different kinds of games. Part of the point of the workshop is to give people space to experiment if they want to!
If you're interested, here is more information about the history of our style.
What is a Peaky Midwest style game?
Peaky Midwest games tend to share most (but not always all) of the following:
Games have prewritten characters and character sheets for each character.
There is one character per player.
Characters have pre-written backstory with interconnected relationships and histories that include pre-written plots and story hooks.
During the run of the game it is up to the players how their stories develop or conclude.
Players are cast as characters before the game and have time to read their character sheets before playing.
Players expect to be in-character for most of the game.
Game masters (GMs) are present to help run the game. GMs do not control player choices but may sometimes play non-player-characters.
Games have relatively minimal game mechanics, if any.
If combat is allowed, it is represented by simple, abstract mechanics or adjudicated by a GM. Players do not engage in actual physical struggle.
After the in-character play there will be time to discuss the players’ experiences out-of-character during a Game Wrap or Debrief.
During Peaky Midwest writing teams are generally formed of three to six people and teams have only a day and a half to get their game ready. Because of these limitations Peaky Midwest games generally:
Have only three to twelve player characters
Require only one or two rooms of play space
Take only two to three hours to run